Dear future self, Please don't melt down if your Nexus S phone freaks out with a dead battery and refuses to charge. If this happens, please remove the battery, wait 5 minutes, and put the battery back in. It will then decide all on its own to recharge just like to uber cool phone that you've enjoyed so much. kthxbai, me.
I recently went a while without charging my Nexus S (a week as a juror on a really disturbing jury case, but i'll save that for another time). My phone's battery was very low. When I turned it on, it let me unlock it, then it threw all of its toys out of the pram, and pitched a fit. The screen went completely black, and no combination of plugging it in to the USB port or to its wall charger would convince it to charge. I even popped the battery out and put it back in. Nuthin. Finally in an act of desperation, I removed the battery, and let it sit, sans battery, for 5 minutes. I put the battery back in, and Shazam! It happily started charging.
So sometimes waiting does help. Now if I could just spin that into procrastinating being good, i'd be set!
UPDATE: Another phone that I have started refusing to charge, so I plugged it into the wall charger, and also read that you have to wait for it to reach 10% charge b4 it will boot. See? Another indication that waiting is good.