Monday, June 13, 2011

Google Maps 5.0 when traveling off the grid

So we recently completed an amazing trip to Greece and Turkey. Hopefully I'll find the time to blog on that sometime.

One thing that made things less stressful on this trip was the use of the new caching feature of Google Maps 5.0. As I reported earlier, it isn't perfect yet. The biggest issue is it doesn't cache points of interest like expected.

But it was surprising useful even in it's current state of only caching map tiles. Seeing your location as a dot on a nicely annotated google map when in a foreign country while trying to use public transportation was really really nice. We'd be on a bus, and I could whip it out and it would help us figure out which stop to jump off on.

Holding a mobile device up is also much less conspicuous than flapping around with a guide book always out, or god forbid, a big paper map.

And I was able to do it all without having a working 3G connection. Nice.

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